I just spent the better part of this beautiful (50 + degrees here in ME)afternoon, cooking. First I baked a loaf of bread, then put the ingredients for crescent rolls in the bread machine set on the dough setting. While that was doing it's business, I put together two different meatloaf recipes and baked them, even though something totally different is for dinner. I figured why freeze the meat when I want to serve meatloaf for dinner in the next night or two, plus meatloaf tastes better the second day anyway. When those were done baking and the crescent dough was done in the bread machine, I put together a breakfast pizza for breakfast tomorrow. Half of the crescent dough made the crust for the pizza, the other half I made into crescent rolls to have with dinner. Which by the way is pasta with garlic, chicken and broccoli with olive oil, salad and the crescent rolls. Those are baking right now.
The do it now principle comes into play.....the dishes! I don't normally clean up my mess as soon as I am done cooking, I don't have a reason or excuse why not, I just don't seem to do it. Today I decided that I didn't want to have to cook dinner in a messy, gross kitchen and find out that all the pots, pans, utensils, etc were dirty. So, I applied the do it now principle, and GASP....starting cleaning up my huge mess. When I made the meatloaves I took off my wedding ring, because how gross is it to leave it on and find all that meatloaf icky stuff stuck to it later. I set it on the counter.....I know I know I have a perfectly good ring holder that sits on top of the breadbox not even five feet away. So, back to the cleaning up, I was clearing the counter where I made the meatloaf of the dirty dishes so I could wash them and I noticed my ring wasn't on the counter anymore! After crawling around on the floor for a few minutes with the flashlight and then asking each of the four wild Indians (oops...I mean my wonderfully well behaved children) if they had touched it. I resorted to digging in the garbage can. Thank goodness my hubby took out the very full (spewing on the floor) garbage out last night and there was a fresh bag in there with only coffee grounds, nine or so egg shells, the ground meat wrapper and a few other miscellaneous things. I started digging with one hand while holding the flashlight with the other and that's where I found my very treasured ring.
So after I calmed down and finished cleaning the kitchen, I gave my ring a proper shining with a toothbrush and toothpaste and now it is all shiny and pretty. The ring holder will be used faithfully after this little accident so there will be no more of these horrible scary episodes for my ring....or for me.